Korea Economic Daily - Ventilation system to eliminate sewage odor in the Nambu Terminal area of Seocho-gu
Korea Economic Daily - Ventilation system to eliminate sewage odor in the Nambu Terminal area of Seocho-gu
Seocho-gu, Seoul (District Mayor Jin Sung-soo) announced that it has started operating a sewage odor reduction system using negative pressure to remove odors from sewage
manholes and rainwater pans and remove germs.
The sewage odor reduction system introduced by Seocho-gu operates in a way that blocks odors from manholes and rainwater pans from coming out through negative pressure.
The negative pressure generated by the device absorbs the odor and then discharges the purified air through the discharge port. Twenty-four units were installed in Seocho-gu to
prevent odors from leaking out of 370 sewage manholes or rainwater pans.